A Construção de Narrativas do Patrimônio Urbano em Hiperdocumentos


The construction of urban heritage narratives in hyperdocuments This paper studies mechanisms involved in various kinds of interaction in urban heritage cybertexts – grouped in navigational spaces, including computer games, databases and hyperdocuments – in order to reflect on how they can be improved both from the point of view of interaction. Therefore it also helps to contribute to the development of a laguage able to describe more accurately the works within the field of urban heritage digital representation. Also the production of such works is examined for improvement, especially the activity of writing the script, considering that this author is seldom involved in the programming and modeling.

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Ano do texto: 2005

Tags: hiperdocumentos e patrimônio

Citação ABNT

PARAIZO, R. C.. A Construção de Narrativas do Patrimônio Urbano em Hiperdocumentos. In: IX Congresso Ibero-Americano de Gráfica Digital, 2005, Lima. Visão e Visualização – Anais. Lima: Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas, 2005. v. 1.

Atualizado em 2018-07-02 03:03 por Anna Clara de Oliveira.

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