O Panorama sequencial: um passeio virtual pela Rua da Carioca no Rio de Janeiro nos séculos XIX-XX

This article intends to investigate the possibilities of digital representation of Carioca Street in the Rio de Janeiro of 19th Century
by a promenade of digital panoramas through the observator’s eye experience. To do this, it is necessary to develop 3d models
and digital panoramas of the old city, based in a historical maps, and compare the panoramas of nowadays offered by the street
view of the Google earth. We belive that in this way we can see architectural changes in Carioca Street at the same time which
we can experience the old street again.

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Ano do texto: 2012

Tags: 3D Modeling, History of the city, panoramas, e Rio de Janeiro

Citação ABNT

SOUZA, L. T.; SEGRE, R. . O Panorama sequencial: um passeio virtual pela Rua da Carioca no Rio de Janeiro nos séculos XIX-XX. In: XVI Sociedade Ibero Americana de Gráfica Digital, 2012, Fortaleza. XVI Sociedade Ibero Americana de Gráfica Digital. Fortaleza: Universidade Federal do Ceará, 2012. v. 1.

Atualizado em 2020-10-28 02:36 por Beatriz Bastos.

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