Simuladores Urbanos Digitais: Representação e Interação com a História das Cidades

This work aims to expose the methodological process of the construction of a digital urban simulator called “SIMRio”, that is being
developed at the Laboratory of Digital Representation and Urban Analysis. Constructed with the technology of videogames, through
the use of its engines applied to digital 3d models of central area of Rio de Janeiro, the research has the objective to develop interactive
systems where one could virtually visit, in real time, not only the spaces of the city, but also different times of its history, walking
between them as if were in a digital time machine.

Keywords: Rio de Janeiro, História, Videogames, Modelos Digitais

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Ano do texto: 2014

Citação ABNT

VILAS BOAS, N.; CURY, R. ; SOUZA, T.L. ; BARKI, J. ; CABRAL, M. Cristina . Processos de Pesquisa e Geração de Conhecimento no Desenvolvimento do Simulador Urbano e Histórico do Centro do Rio de Janeiro (SimRio). In: XXXVI Jornada Giulio Massarani de Iniciação Científica, Tecnológica, Artística e Cultural UFRJ, 2014, Rio de Janeiro. XXXVI Jornada Giulio Massarani de Iniciação Científica, Tecnológica, Artística e Cultural UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, 2014.

Atualizado em 2019-02-21 05:40 por Anna Clara de Oliveira.

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