Além da Imagem Estática: A Representação Gráfica Digital da Experiência Espacial na Arquitetura


Beyond the static image: the digital graphic representation of spatial experience in architecture This work presents some theoretical reflections about the potentialities of digital tools in the graphic representation of architectonical space. Considering de sub-utilization of these tools in mimetic applications of manual graphic methods, it’ll be taken in Theory of Architecture the argumentations needed to justify the importance of 3D videogames technologies in the architectural graphic representation field. Inserting these reflections in the though line of Bruno Zevi, whom already alerted for the limitations of graphic representation in translating the architectonical space nature, it’s perceived that those technologies are capable to overcome them, offering the biggest qualitative gain in the field since the discover of perspective laws in the Renascence. So, it’ll be presented some digital models of projects used as didactic tools, that are capable to give a deeper understanding of built space from the graphic representation of the spatial experience virtually lived there, by allowing the user’s free movement.

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Ano do texto: 2005

Tags: 3D Modeling, espaço arquitetônico, e Imagem Estática

Citação ABNT

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Atualizado em 2018-06-30 09:23 por Felipe Oliveira.

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