O Processo de Desenvolvimento da Ferramenta Cidade Interativa


This paper exposes site “Cidade Interativa” development process, based on: a reflection about importance of users’ points of view’s incorporation for space remodelling; a study about theoretical and practical experiences which, in different ways, approached potencialities of participation of a community’s members in a project; and, finally, a investigation of propagation alternatives of individual readings as information source for urban project, trying to enhance points of view that generally remain occult in the form of invisible practices of anonymous users. This site must be understood as concretion of an idea: creating a vehicle from which is possible to become individual readings public, so that these are shared and, also, make them available to people responsible for urban projects as information source.

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Ano do texto: 2004

Citação ABNT

1. ARGAN, Giulio Carlo, História da arte como história da cidade, Martins Fontes, São Paulo, 1993.
2. LYNCH, Kevin, A imagem da cidade (1960), Martins Fontes, São Paulo, 1997

Atualizado em 2018-06-30 10:17 por Felipe Oliveira.

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