Panoramapp! A virtual Panorama Experience

Since the great popularity of smartphones and tablets, many applications have been developed to create digital panoramas. However, its
focus is turned for the seamless of the pictures and not what we can explore and understand of its different subjects. This article intends
to investigate the use of a new concept of an app for digital panoramas. We assume that Panoramapp! can broaden the understanding
the history of the cities by its panoramas and panoramic views, an alternative way to develop an iconographic hyper document of the
central area of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

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Ano do texto: 2014

Tags: History of the city, panoramas, e Rio de Janeiro

Citação ABNT

SOUZA, L. T.. Panoramapp! A virtual Panorama Experience. In: 23rd International Panorama Conference, 2014, Altötting. 23rd International Panorama Conference – The Panoramic Experience: Real ? Virtual ? Spiritual. Altötting: Stiftung Panorama Altötting, 2014.

Atualizado em 2020-10-28 06:44 por Beatriz Bastos.

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