O Panorama Multimídia: ferramenta para o desenvolvimento na disciplina de projeto

Multimedia Panorama: tool for the development of the design discipline
This article intends to investigate the use of Multimedia-Panorama as a tool within the design studios in schools of architecture. We
assume that Multimedia-Panorama can bring signifi cant contributions to design studios. It can follow all design process stages:
the recognition and analysis of the site and surrounding landscape; the organization of references; the fi rst idea and its conception;
the development of the project; and its fi nal presentation. The strenght of panoramas in design studios is particularly enhanced by
interactivity. This paper aims to demonstrate new possibilities in the association of panorama’s space recognition characteristic to
the architecture design process.

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Ano do texto: 2005

Citação ABNT

SOUZA, L. T.; KÓS, J. R. . O Panorama Multimídia: ferramenta para o desenvolvimento na disciplina de projeto. In: IX SIGraDi – Sociedade Ibero Americana de Gráfica Digital, 2005, Lima. Futuro da visualização digital e do meio digital na arquitetura. Lima: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, 2005. v. IX. p. 760-764.

Atualizado em 2020-09-21 07:22 por Raissa Paim.

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